Deposit Protection: What to include in your Tenancy Agreements

This guest blog article was contributed by mydeposits Scotland, a Lettingweb corporate partner. 


Your Tenancy Agreement is a vital document when letting a property. It outlines your obligations, along with the responsibilities of your tenant and is the legal contract between you and the tenant. You must ensure that it’s fair, clear, concise and well worded, not least because badly worded Tenancy Agreements are a leading cause of landlords and letting agents losing deposit disputes.

The latest guide from mydeposits Scotland  provides 22 top tips to ensure you have a robust Tenancy Agreement in place. To download the free guide click here.

Our Head Adjudicator, Suzy Hershman has also recorded a short video on the mydeposits Scotland YouTube TV channel:


Why is a Tenancy Agreement so important?

When looking at a deposit dispute, the Adjudicator will read the Tenancy Agreement first. The landlord (or letting agent acting on their behalf) must use evidence to support their claim to show that the tenant has broken the Tenancy Agreement terms, and that the landlord has suffered, or is likely to suffer, a loss as a result. If the Tenancy Agreement is not provided, or poorly constructed, then it’s likely that the dispute claim will fail because the Adjudicator will be unable to establish the obligations agreed between the parties.

Make sure you download Suzy’s 22 top tips on Tenancy Agreements.

To find out more about how mydeposits help letting agents all over Scotland, please visit or email Ian directly on